YouTube API Video Player App

This app will fetch videos from the YouTube Data API and users can watch the videos right in the app!

Course Requirements

  • Completed the Launch Your First App program

What You'll Learn

  • YouTube Data API

    You'll learn to work with the YouTube API to retrieve playlist and video information.

  • YouTube Video Player

    You'll learn how to play YouTube videos right from your app.

  • iOS Networking

    Practice making network requests, parsing JSON data from responses and using network debugging tools.

  • Settings View

    Learn to build a functional Settings screen that you can reuse in your future app builds.

  • Onboarding Sequence

    You'll implement a reusable onboarding sequence that you can add to your future app builds.

  • Newsletter Signup

    Learn to connect to an external Email Management Software so you can capture email addresses.

Why This Course?

  • Extend your skills

    You'll sharpen and This intermediate course is designed to progress your skills from the Launch Your First App program.

  • Save time

    Save time and effort for your future app builds by reusing features from this app such as Onboarding and Settings.

  • Make it your own

    This app can be customized for any purpose such an influencer app, an app for a business, an education app and more.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome! A note from Chris

    2. Course Resources and Projects

    3. How to Get Help?

    1. Lesson 01: Exploring the YouTube Data API

    2. Lesson 02: Getting Data from the YouTube API

    3. Lesson 03: Creating the Xcode project, views and models

    4. Lesson 04: Sending the API Request

    5. Lesson 05: Parsing the JSON data into Videos

    6. Lesson 06: Retrieving Video Thumbnails and Styling

    7. Lesson 07: Video Player and Video Detail View

    8. Lesson 08: The About Page

    9. Lesson 09: The Settings Page

    10. Lesson 10: The Newsletter View

    11. Lesson 11: The Onboarding View

About this course

  • Free
  • 14 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content

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