SwiftUI Views - Video Reference Library

Master SwiftUI Views at your own pace. Use it as an on-demand resource library for any SwiftUI View guidance.

Course Requirements

  • Xcode Version 14.0 or higher
  • Minimum deployment version: iOS 14 or Higher

What You'll Learn

  • SwiftUI Views Mastery

    Discover the implementation techniques for Basic, Layout, Control, and Container Views, along with their associated modifiers, to build dynamic interfaces.

  • UI Design Enhancement

    Develop the skills to create Custom Shapes utilizing Paths, incorporate gradients, employ a variety of colors, and explore additional advanced design concepts.

  • Data Flow in SwiftUI

    Gain a thorough understanding of data management within SwiftUI by learning about property wrappers like @State, @Environment, and @Binding, among others, to handle data seamlessly.

Why This Course

  • Practical Skill Acquisition

    By learning to implement various SwiftUI views and their modifiers, you will gain hands-on experience that is directly applicable to building modern and responsive user interfaces for Apple devices.

  • Flexibility in Learning

    The course structure is designed to cater to different learning styles and allows you to use the content as a reference library, enabling you to focus on the areas most relevant to your needs.

  • Real-World Application

    The skills learned in this course are highly transferable to real-world app development. You can apply what you’ve learned immediately to your projects or portfolios, making you more competitive in the job market.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. Resources

    3. Where to Get Help?

    1. VStack

    2. LazyVStack

    3. HStack

    4. LazyHStack

    5. ZStack

    6. Spacer

    7. GeometryReader

    8. LazyHGrid

    9. LazyVGrid

    10. ScrollViewReader

    1. Button

    2. ColorPicker

    3. DatePicker

    4. DisclosureGroup

    5. Form

    6. GroupBox

    7. Label

    8. Link

    9. List

    10. Menu

    11. NavigationView

    12. NavigationView with Data

    13. OutlineGroup

    14. Picker

    15. ProgressView

    16. ScrollView

    17. SecureField

    18. SegmentedControl

    19. SignInWithAppleButton

    20. Slider

    21. Stepper

    22. TabView

    23. TabView-Paging

    24. Text

    25. Text with Custom Fonts

    26. TextEditor

    27. TextField

    28. Toggle

    1. Shapes Introduction

    2. Shape Outlines - Strokes

    3. Shapes with Views

    4. Color

    5. Divider

    6. Group

    7. Image

    8. Image Symbol

    9. Path Introduction

    1. Creating a Curve-Sided Rectangle

    2. Creating a Wave Shape

    3. Creating Triangular Shapes

    1. AngularGradient

    2. LinearGradient

    3. RadialGradient

    4. ImagePaint

About this course

  • Free
  • 102 lessons
  • 11.5 hours of video content

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