Learning Outcomes

YouTube App
Access the YouTube Data API, retrieve video thumbnails, play videos in app, authenticate the user, allow the user to like your videos and subscribe!

Calculator (UIKit)
Learn to lay out a grid of buttons in the Storyboard, perform math operations, detect invalid input and edge cases. Separate the code clearly into the MVC architecture.

Calculator (Programmatic UI)

Learn how how to build your user interface via code. This skill will be extremely useful for intermedaite to advanced app development and for real world team environments.

Sound Recorder

Learn how to record audio in your app and play it back.

Who Should Take This Course?

This course builds from the skills acquired in the iOS Foundations course so students should've completed that first.

This Course is Compatible With:

 Xcode 10+
 Swift 5+

Course curriculum

    1. Resources for this Course

    2. Introduction

    3. Getting Started with GitHub and Bitrise

    4. Starting with the YouTube API and Getting an API Key

    5. Configure Gitignore

    6. Swift Codable & the JSON Format

    7. Building our User Interface

    8. The Custom Video UITableViewCell

    9. Watch the Video in the Detail View

    10. Like and Subscribe!

    1. Materials for this App

    2. Setting Up the Database and Web Server

    3. Building the UI and Displaying the Data

    4. Implementing CRUD in Xcode

    5. Custom Cell and Code Organization

    1. Materials for this App

    2. Implementing Core Data

    1. Materials for this App

    2. Building the Sound Recorder App

    1. Materials for this App

    2. Building the User Interface

    3. Implementing the Logic

    1. Materials for this App

    2. Building the UI Programmatically

About this course

  • Free
  • 24 lessons
  • 10 hours of video content

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