iOS Networking

Learn how to build apps that connect to other platforms and feeds to fetch data!

Course Requirements

  • Completed Foundations Course

What You'll Learn

  • Source Control

    Keep your code safe by learning how to use GitHub source control with Xcode.

  • Networking & Concurrency

    Learn how to make requests and parse responses in Swift so that you can use data from network resources.

  • APIs

    Learn where to find APIs to use and how to decipher API documentation so you can use any API.

  • Debug Networking Traffic

    Learn to use network debugging tools so you don't have to be confused when you build network enabled apps.

  • Figma

    Learn Figma basics so you can design apps and apply the design in Xcode.

  • Swift & SwiftUI

    Learn new Swift patterns and data flow techniques so that you can do more. Learn to use more SwiftUI components so you can build better UIs.

Why This Course?

  • Expand Your Options

    Learning how to get data from web APIs opens up a whole new world of app ideas that you can build!

  • Source Control

    Learn how to use source control to improve your solo dev workflow or to work with others on a team.

  • The Next Step

    This course continues from the Foundations course. Continue deepening your mastery of Swift, SwiftUI and Xcode skills.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome! A note from Chris

    2. Your Initial Skills Snapshot

    3. Course Resources and Projects

    4. How to Get Help?

    1. Lesson 01: What is Networking?

    2. Lesson 1 Quiz

    3. Lesson 02: Finding and Using APIs

    4. Lesson 03: How to use API endpoints

    5. Lesson 3 Quiz

    6. Lesson 04: What is a REST API?

    7. Lesson 05: iOS Concurrency, Await and Async

    8. Lesson 5 Quiz

    9. Lesson 06: How to make an Network Request in Swift

    10. Lesson 07: Debugging Network Requests with Proxyman

    11. Lesson 08: Parsing Network Responses

    12. Module 1 Challenge: Jokes App

    1. Lesson 01: Intro to Source Control

    2. Lesson 1 Quiz

    3. Your Skills Snapshot 2

    4. Lesson 02: Xcode Setup

    5. Lesson 03: Branching and Merging in Source Control

    6. Lesson 04: The Yelp API

    7. Lesson 05: Adding the API Key to Xcode Securely

    8. Lesson 06: Making a Yelp API Request

    9. Lesson 07: Parsing the Yelp API Response

    10. Lesson 08: Reviewing the App Design in Figma

    11. Lesson 09: Styling the List UI

    12. Lesson 10: Business Detail Using SwiftUI Sheets

    13. Module 2 Challenge: Football Stats App

    1. Your Skills Snapshot 3

    2. Lesson 01: The Observation Data Flow Pattern

    3. Lesson 1 Quiz

    4. Lesson 02: Swift Classes and Structures (Part 1)

    5. Lesson 2 Quiz

    6. Lesson 03: Swift Classes and Structures (Part 2)

    7. Lesson 3 Quiz

    8. Lesson 04: Swift Class Inheritance

    9. Lesson 4 Quiz

    10. Lesson 05: How to Implement the Observation Pattern

    11. Lesson 06: Observation Pattern For City Sights

    12. Lesson 07: SwiftUI Maps

    13. Module 3 Challenge: Crypto Coin Data

    1. Lesson 01: Map Markers

    2. Lesson 02: Onboarding View

    3. Lesson 03: Saving Data with AppStorage

    4. Lesson 04: Locating the User (Part 1)

    5. Lesson 05: Locating the User (Part 2)

    6. Lesson 06: Downloading Images

    7. Lesson 07: Enhancing the Yelp Query

    8. Lesson 08: Launching Other Apps

    9. Module 4 Challenge: Recipe Search

    1. Conclusion

    2. Your Final Skills Snapshot

    3. Your Story

    4. iOS Networking Hand In Assignment Requirements

    5. iOS Networking Assignment Submission Page

    6. What Do You Think?

About this course

  • Free
  • 57 lessons
  • 10 hours of video content

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