GitHub Essentials

Learn how to use git, GitHub, and source control to store code and history of changes.

Course Requirements

  • Xcode 13, Swift 5.5 macOS Big Sur 11.3 or later

What You'll Learn

  • Using git and GitHub

    Learn how to use git as a source control tool to store code and its history of changes. Learn how to store code in a remote repository such as GitHub.

  • Efficient Branching Strategies

    Learn how to create branches when working alone or with a team.

  • Resolving Merge Conflicts

    Merge conflicts seem daunting for newbies and first-timers alike. Learn different possible ways of how to resolve merge conflicts.

  • Desktop App and Terminal

    Learn to use GitHub with your Xcode projects via Terminal and the Desktop app.

  • Terminal and Unix Commands

    Learn how to use git using the terminal command line and learn different git and bash commands you can use to navigate through the terminal.

  • Contributing to Open Source Projects

    Contribute to open source projects by learning how to fork and clone projects, how to create pull requests, and how to keep the project copy in sync with the upstream.

Why This Course?

  • Git is Essential

    Using git is essential in this modern age of software engineering. Whether you’re working alone or with a team, using git as a source control is not just mandatory, it is an essential skill in getting hired.

  • Git is a powerful tool

    Knowledge and proficiency of git will help you build a better intuition of how to use git as a tool and you become smarter on how and when to use different commands depending on the scenario you or your team faces.

  • Be a team player

    Learning what different git commands do, what workflows and processes are possible, and how to fix conflicts or errors will make you fit in working with a team.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. Where to Get Help?

    1. Introduction to GitHub Essentials

    2. Lesson 1: Branches

    3. Lesson 2: Inside a Team Environment

    4. Lesson 3: The GitHub Desktop App (GUI)

    5. Lesson 4: Git via the Terminal

    6. Lesson 5: Forking Third Party Projects

About this course

  • Free
  • 8 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

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