iOS Foundations


Continue your app journey right where the 14 Day Beginner Challenge leaves off inside our iOS Foundations course. 

This course takes you through building 4 apps of increasing difficulty and you'll learn new skills with each. 

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to build multi-screened, data powered apps. 

That means you’ll know how to confidently build apps that fetch data from a source, like an API, a data feed or your own file, and display that information to the user (Apps like weather apps, stats apps, information apps etc.)

Learning Outcomes:

  • Build 4 Different Apps

    You'll have a solid foundation in app development through building 4 apps with me step by step. Each app builds upon the previous and teaches new techniques and skills.

  • Work With Data

    You'll know how to work with the JSON data format to fetch data from online data feeds, APIs and local data files.

  • Swift Programming

    You'll be able to read and write Swift code for building user interfaces and coding the logic for your app. (Even if you've never coded before)

  • Xcode

    You'll know how to navigate and use official Apple tools such Xcode for iOS app development.

  • SwiftUI User Interfaces

    You'll be able to use the latest SwiftUI framework to build next generation user interfaces.

  • Build Your Own

    You'll be comfortable building your own multi-screened apps that can fetch data from APIs, local data files or external data feeds.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. Resources

    3. Where to Get Help?

    1. Lesson 1: The Apple Developer Ecosystem

    2. Lesson 1 Quiz

    3. Lesson 2: Introduction to Xcode

    4. Lesson 2 Quiz

    5. Lesson 3: How To Build User Interfaces

    6. Lesson 3 Quiz

    7. Lesson 3 Challenge

    8. Lesson 4: SwiftUI Views and Containers

    9. Lesson 4 Quiz

    10. Lesson 4 Challenge

    11. Lesson 5: Build The War Card Game UI

    12. Lesson 6: Swift Variables and Constants

    13. Lesson 6 Quiz

    14. Lesson 6 Challenge

    15. Lesson 7: Swift Functions

    16. Lesson 7 Quiz

    17. Lesson 7 Challenge

    18. Lesson 8: Swift Structures

    19. Lesson 8 Quiz

    20. Lesson 8 Challenge

    21. Lesson 9: Swift Instances

    22. Lesson 9 Quiz

    23. Lesson 9 Challenge

    24. Lesson 10: SwiftUI Buttons

    25. Lesson 10 Quiz

    26. Lesson 10 Challenge

    27. Lesson 11: State Properties

    28. Lesson 11 Quiz

    29. Lesson 11 Challenge

    30. Lesson 12: Swift If Statements

    31. Lesson 12 Quiz

    32. Lesson 12 Challenge

    33. Lesson 13: Wrap Up Challenge

    34. Module 1 Feedback Survey

    1. Lesson 1: What Will You Learn?

    2. Lesson 2: Swift Programming - Arrays

    3. Lesson 2 Quiz

    4. Lesson 2 Challenge

    5. Lesson 3: SwiftUI Lists

    6. Lesson 3 Quiz

    7. Lesson 3 Challenge

    8. Lesson 4: Swift Programming - Loops

    9. Lesson 4 Quiz

    10. Lesson 4 Challenge

    11. Lesson 5: Swift Programming - Classes

    12. Lesson 5 Quiz

    13. Lesson 5 Challenge

    14. Lesson 6: Swift Programming - Value vs Reference Types

    15. Lesson 6 Quiz

    16. Lesson 6 Challenge

    17. Lesson 7: MVVM Architecture Pattern

    18. Lesson 7 Quiz

    19. Lesson 7 Challenge

    20. Lesson 8: Data Flow in MVVM

    21. Lesson 8 Quiz

    22. Lesson 8 Challenge

    23. Lesson 9: Swift Programming - Optionals

    24. Lesson 9 Quiz

    25. Lesson 9 Challenge

    26. Lesson 10: Dictionaries

    27. Lesson 10 Quiz

    28. Lesson 10 Challenge

    29. Lesson 11: Introduction to JSON

    30. Lesson 11 Quiz

    31. Lesson 11 Challenge

    32. Lesson 12: JSON Parsing

    33. Lesson 12 Quiz

    34. Lesson 12 Challenge

    35. Lesson 13: The Recipe List App

    36. Lesson 13 Quiz

    37. Lesson 13 Challenge

    38. Lesson 14: ForEach and ScrollViews

    39. Lesson 14 Quiz

    40. Lesson 14 Challenge

    41. Lesson 15: The Recipe DetailView

    42. Lesson 15 Quiz

    43. Lesson 15 Challenge

    44. Lesson 16: Wrap Up Challenge

    45. Module 2 Feedback Survey

    1. Lesson 1: Introduction to GitHub

    2. Lesson 1 Quiz

    3. Lesson 2: GitHub and Xcode

    4. Lesson 2 Quiz

    5. Lesson 3: Working with GitHub

    6. Lesson 3 Quiz

    7. Module 3 Feedback Survey

    1. Lesson 1: Introduction

    2. Lesson 2: Adding the Project to GitHub

    3. Lesson 2 Quiz

    4. Lesson 2 Challenge

    5. Lesson 3: TabViews

    6. Lesson 3 Quiz

    7. Lesson 3 Challenge

    8. Lesson 4: GeometryReader

    9. Lesson 4 Quiz

    10. Lesson 4 Challenge

    11. Lesson 5: Updating the JSON Data

    12. Lesson 6: The EnvironmentObject

    13. Lesson 6 Quiz

    14. Lesson 6 Challenge

    15. Lesson 7: The Featured View

    16. Lesson 7 Quiz

    17. Lesson 7 Challenge

    18. Lesson 8: LazyStacks

    19. Lesson 8 Quiz

    20. Lesson 8 Challenge

    21. Lesson 9: SwiftUI Picker

    22. Lesson 9 Quiz

    23. Lesson 9 Challenge

    24. Lesson 10: Calculating Ingredient Portions

    25. Lesson 10 Quiz

    26. Lesson 11: The Recipe Serving Size Picker

    27. Lesson 11 Quiz

    28. Lesson 12: Displaying Ingredient Portions

    29. Lesson 12 Quiz

    30. Lesson 13: Featured View Recipe Details

    31. Lesson 13 Quiz

    32. Lesson 14: Styling

    33. Lesson 14 Quiz

    34. Lesson 15: Wrap Up Challenge

    35. Lesson 15: Wrap Up Challenge (Hints)

    36. Lesson 16: Bug Fix for Featured View Card Selection

    37. Module 4 Feedback Survey

    1. Lesson 1: Introduction

    2. Lesson 2: Project Setup

    3. Lesson 3: Parsing the JSON Data

    4. Lesson 3 Quiz

    5. Lesson 4: Building the HomeView

    6. Lesson 4 Quiz

    7. Lesson 5: Building the Lesson List View

    8. Lesson 5 Quiz

    9. Lesson 6: Lesson Detail View

    10. Lesson 6 Quiz

    11. Lesson 6 Challenge

    12. Lesson 7: Using UIKit Views

    13. Lesson 7 Quiz

    14. Lesson 7 Challenge

    15. Lesson 8: A Closer Look at NavigationLink

    16. Lesson 8 Quiz

    17. Lesson 8 Challenge

    18. Lesson 9: Quiz Display

    19. Lesson 9 Quiz

    20. Lesson 10: Quiz Answers

    21. Lesson 10 Quiz

    22. Lesson 11: Quiz Question Navigation

    23. Lesson 12: Showing the Quiz Results

    24. Lesson 12 Quiz

    25. Lesson 13: GitHub Pages

    26. Lesson 13 Quiz

    27. Lesson 14: iOS Networking

    28. Lesson 14 Quiz

    29. Lesson 14 Challenge

    30. Lesson 14 Follow Up: Updating View Code from a Background Thread

    31. Lesson 14 Follow Up Quiz

    32. Lesson 15 Bug Follow Up: Index out of range

    33. Lesson 16: Xcode 12.5 Follow Up

    34. Module 5 Wrap Up Challenge

    35. Module 5 Feedback Survey

About this course

  • Free
  • 196 lessons
  • 23.5 hours of video content