iOS Databases

Learn how to build data-driven apps using a database.

Course Requirements

  • Completed Foundations Course
  • Completed Networking Course

What You'll Learn

  • SwiftData

    Learn to use SwiftData to store and retrieve data locally on the

  • Figma

    Learn to use the industry standard Figma tool to create your own app designs.

  • Animations

    Learn to add movement and animation to your user interface to bring it to life.

  • Xcode

    Learn how to translate a Figma app design to your project in Xcode.

  • SwiftUI

    Build more complicated user interfaces and learn additional UI components.

  • Swift

    Learn intermediate Swift coding to expand what you can do.

Why This Course?

  • Database Apps

    Learning how to use a database will further expand the types of apps that you're able to build.

  • Design Your Own Apps

    Learning how to use a design tool like Figma frees you from having to rely on a designer.

  • The Next Step

    This course builds off of the Networking course. Continue to broaden your skillset and deepen your mastery of Swift, SwiftUI and Xcode.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome! A note from Chris

    2. Your Initial Skills Snapshot

    3. Course Resources and Projects

    4. How to Get Help?

    1. Lesson 01: Why Do We Need Databases?

    2. Lesson 02: What is SwiftData?

    3. Lesson 2 Quiz

    4. Lesson 03: SwiftData Operations

    5. Lesson 3 Quiz

    6. Lesson 04: SwiftData Queries

    7. Lesson 05: How to Define Data Relationships in SwiftData

    8. Lesson 06: How to Create the Data Model for your App

    9. Lesson 6 Quiz

    10. Module 1 Challenge: Todo List

    1. Your Skills Snapshot 2

    2. Lesson 01: How To Design Your App in Three Steps

    3. Lesson 02: How to Use Figma for Beginners

    4. Lesson 03: How to Design an App in Figma (Part 1)

    5. Lesson 04: How to Design an App in Figma (Part 2)

    6. Lesson 05: Figma Tips and Tricks

    7. Module 2 Challenge: Figma UI

    8. Module 2 Challenge Solution: Figma UI

    1. Your Skills Snapshot 3

    2. Lesson 01: Setting up the Xcode Project

    3. Lesson 02: Building the Project List View

    4. Lesson 03: Adding New Projects

    5. Lesson 04: Implementing the App Navigation

    6. Lesson 05: Building the Project Details View

    7. Lesson 06: Adding Project Updates

    8. Lesson 07: Completing Project Milestones

    9. Lesson 08: Editing and Deleting Data

    10. Lesson 09: Calculating Stats

    11. Module 3 Challenge: Quotes App

    1. Lesson 01: Handling Edge Cases

    2. Lesson 02: Adding Animations

    1. Conclusion

    2. Your Final Skills Snapshot

    3. Your Story

    4. iOS Databases Hand In Assignment Requirements

    5. iOS Databases Assignment Submission Page

    6. What Do You Think?

About this course

  • Free
  • 41 lessons
  • 8.5 hours of video content

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