iOS App Store

How to publish your app into the App Store for millions of users to use!

Course Requirements

  • Completed Foundations Course
  • Completed Networking Course
  • Completed Databases Course

What You'll Learn

  • App Store Process

    Learn the process of how apps are published into the App Store.

  • App Ideation

    Learn multiple techniques for finding your own app idea for development.

  • App Marketing

    Learn how to market your app on a budget to get users and downloads.

  • Test Your App

    Learn how to test your app to ensure that it's bug free and learn how to recruit beta testers too.

  • Design and Development

    Learn the process of turning your app idea into an app design and then coding it.

  • App Submission

    Learn how to create your App Store listing, how to fill in all of the meta data and submit your app for review.

Why This Course?

  • App Idea to App Store

    Go through the entire process of finding an app idea to publishing it in the App Store.

  • Marketing Plan

    Marketing and the business side is the other half of having a successful app. Learn how to get users and downloads.

  • Graduation

    This course is the last step to graduating the Launch Your First App program! Achieve this milestone and call yourself an iOS developer.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome! A note from Chris

    2. Your Initial Skills Snapshot

    1. Lesson 01: The Apple Developer Program

    2. Lesson 02: The App Submission Process

    3. Lesson 03: The Four Obstacles Standing in Your Way

    4. Your Capstone Project - Task 1

    1. Lesson 01: Your App

    2. Lesson 02: Your Skills

    3. Lesson 03: Where to Get Ideas

    4. Lesson 04: MVP Requirements

    5. Lesson 05: Marketing Plan

    6. Lesson 05: Marketing Plan (Extended Clip)

    7. Your Skills Snapshot 2

    8. Your Capstone Project - Task 2

    1. Lesson 01: Design your App

    2. Lesson 02: Prototyping in Figma

    3. Your Capstone Project - Task 3

    1. Lesson 01: Build your App

    2. Lesson 02: Add Analytics to your App

    3. Your Skills Snapshot 3

    4. Lesson 03: Capture Feedback

    5. Lesson 04: Your App Website

    6. Your Capstone Project - Task 4

    1. Lesson 01: Testing your App

    2. Lesson 02: App Store Review

    3. Your Capstone Project - Task 5

About this course

  • Free
  • 37 lessons
  • 6 hours of video content

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